Tuesday, September 28, 2010

If you can dream it, you can Do it

How they made their Millions

I was working all day and took a break for my supper. I was flipping through the channels and just happened to come across CNBC’s program, How I Made My Millions (http://www.cnbc.com/id/23131910/). I snickered when I saw the title of the program thinking, oh this must be one of those info commercials that promises to make you millions and most of the time you end up spending lots of money and making nothing.

The program came on and I was truly motivated by watching and listening. These were ordinary people, like you and me, with good ideas. They not only talked about their idea, they took action and persevered even though many people laughed at their idea. The last laugh is, of course, on those who originally laughed. The people featured on this show are now millionaires, and they persevered and took the steps necessary to achieve their success. Yes, they had setbacks, and rejection, but that did not deter them from continuing. And, it truly paid off for them.

I have had great ideas poppping up in my head on and off. sometimes it is to go pro with music. some other time it is to start an eco resort chain in kerala. but the thing is we dont persevere to turn our dreams into reality, atleast I dont... and I am sure many of us dont
So often we have a good idea but we don’t take action. Or, we are discouraged at the challenges that face us. We give up far too easily, we don’t persevere – “persistence prevails when all else fails:.

The purpose in sharing this story with you is to encourage you to take action on our ideas, and to persist! to remind myself like the others to Learn from our failures, overcome the challenges; and, as Walt Disney once said, “If you can dream it, you can do it